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Bio-Waters and Consciousness: How Water in Your Body Responds to Your Thoughts

Oct 16, 2024


You probably already know that hydration is important.

Drinking enough water is a wellness mantra these days.

But let’s get real—there’s way more to the story of water in your body than just chugging a glass of H2O.

The latest research is revealing that the water inside you doesn’t just sit around waiting to hydrate your cells; it’s a dynamic, structured, and intelligent medium that might even be responding to your thoughts and emotions.

Sounds a little woo-woo?


But stick with me—we’re going deep into the waters of quantum biology here.




Maybe you've heard that our bodies are 60-70% water by volume, but our bodies are actually 99.9% water molecularly.

When we talk about "bio-waters," we’re referring to the various forms and functions that water takes inside our bodies—lymphatic fluid, blood, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and even the water contained in the fascia. Think of these as different "departments" within the grand corporation that is your body, each with its own specialized tasks but all relying on water as the medium to get jobs done.

The common thread here is that water is NOT just a passive backdrop for biochemical reactions.

Instead, it plays an active role, potentially serving as a conduit for information—carrying quantum-level stimuli that can influence biological functions.




1. The Three Classical States: Liquid, Solid, and Gas

These are the familiar states we've all learned about in school:

  • Liquid Water: The state where water molecules are free to move but still remain closely bonded. This is the form of the water that we drink into the body tends to take.

  • Solid (Ice): When water freezes, its molecules form a crystalline structure. In ice, the water molecules arrange themselves in a hexagonal lattice, which is why ice expands and becomes less dense than liquid water (hence it floats).

  • Gas (Water Vapor): When water heats up and evaporates, the molecules move further apart and enter the gaseous phase, which allows them to diffuse into the air.


2. Structured Water (Hexagonal Water)

Structured water refers to water that has an organized molecular arrangement rather than the random, chaotic structure typically found in tap or bottled water. The molecules are said to form a hexagonal structure, which is believed to make it more "bioavailable," or more easily utilized by the cells in our bodies.

In nature, structured water is found in sources like glacial melt, spring water, or water that flows over rocks and through natural landscapes.


Some claim that structured water is better at hydrating the body, carrying nutrients, and removing waste. This organized molecular arrangement supposedly facilitates the transport of electrons and may enhance the body’s electrical conductivity.


3. EZ-Water (Exclusion Zone Water)

EZ-water, or Exclusion Zone water, is a term popularized by Dr. Gerald Pollack. It’s considered a "fourth phase" of water, distinct from the traditional liquid, solid, and gas.

  • Formation: EZ-water forms when liquid water interfaces with a hydrophilic (water-attracting) surface, like cell membranes, or within biological tissues like fascia. It has a gel-like consistency and a unique molecular arrangement where the water molecules stack in a honeycomb pattern, creating layers.

  • Charge: Unlike regular liquid water, EZ-water carries a negative charge and excludes impurities, hence the name "Exclusion Zone." This exclusion of particles allows it to act almost like a biological filter.

  • Energy Storage: EZ-water is capable of storing and transferring energy, making it function somewhat like a biological battery. It can convert light energy, especially from infrared radiation, into electrical potential.

  • Biological Relevance: Within the human body, EZ-water may play crucial roles in cellular hydration, energy production, and intracellular communication. It's thought to exist in spaces like the cell cytoplasm, interstitial spaces, and even in the fascia. 


4. Water as a Liquid Crystal

In some conditions, water behaves similarly to a liquid crystal, a state that exhibits properties of both liquids and solids.

This means water can align its molecules in a structured pattern while still maintaining fluidity.

In our bodies, water may take on liquid crystalline properties within structured tissues like the fascia or around cell membranes. This allows it to transmit information efficiently, much like how liquid crystals in a display screen transmit electrical signals.


5. Water and Quantum Coherence

Some theories in quantum biology suggest that water may exhibit "quantum coherence" under specific circumstances. This means that water molecules could act in unison, allowing for phenomena like entanglement or collective behavior at a quantum level.

If water in the body can exhibit quantum coherence, this could provide a basis for understanding how thoughts, consciousness, and subtle energies may influence physiological processes.

This aligns with the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto and Veda Austin, suggesting that water's structure can be impacted by vibrations, intentions, and other quantum stimuli. 




So how does this all relate to consciousness and quantum biology?

Enter the intriguing works of Dr. Masaru Emoto and Veda Austin.

Masaru Emoto’s experiments have shown that water exposed to positive words or harmonious music forms beautifully intricate crystal structures when frozen, while water exposed to negative words or chaotic music forms distorted, irregular shapes. The implications? Water may be able to "read" or respond to the vibrational energy around it—including our thoughts, emotions, and even intentions.

Veda Austin’s research takes this a step further. She’s demonstrated that water can imprint and form patterns in response to images, symbols, and even feelings conveyed by humans. It’s almost as if water is functioning like an antenna, picking up on quantum-level information and manifesting it into a physical form.

When you consider that your body is around 99.9% water molecularly, it kind of makes you wonder: Could our thoughts and emotions be literally shaping the water inside us—and, by extension, our health?




Alright, let’s take this idea of bio-waters and see how it plays out in the body’s various systems:

  1. The Lymphatic System: The lymph is a clear fluid that flows throughout your body, transporting immune cells and waste products. It’s heavily water-based, and because of that, its flow and function could theoretically be influenced by the structural state of the water it contains. When you’re stressed, dehydrated, or sedentary, lymph flow can stagnate, but what if that’s not just due to physical factors? Could our emotional state impact the quality and behavior of lymphatic fluid?

  2. The Blood: Blood is mostly water, and its role is to transport nutrients, hormones, and waste products throughout the body. When we consider EZ-water, it starts to get interesting—because some researchers suggest that the structured nature of EZ-water may help propel blood flow, almost like an extra boost for circulation. If blood is the river of life, then the quality of its waters is certainly something to pay attention to.

  3. Fascia: Fascia is the connective tissue that wraps around your muscles, organs, and pretty much everything else. What you might not know is that fascia is loaded with water and plays a key role in communicating signals throughout the body. The way water behaves in fascia could be impacted by its structured state, affecting things like tissue pliability, pain perception, and even emotional release (ever cried during a deep stretch?).

  4. Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF): CSF is the liquid that cushions your brain and spinal cord, and it’s constantly in motion. This isn’t just a protective "bubble wrap" for your nervous system; some theories suggest that CSF may act as a conductor for information, using the principles of structured water to facilitate communication between neurons. If water in your brain is acting like an antenna, it opens up a whole new perspective on how consciousness might interact with the body.

  5. The Rest of the Bio-Water Crew: Other water-based systems include synovial fluid (in your joints), saliva, and even the fluids inside your cells. Each of these plays a role in maintaining the body’s balance and health, and they all have the potential to be influenced by the structured state of the water they contain.




So, what if your thoughts could influence not just your mood, but the very structure of the water inside your body?

According to Emoto and Austin, this isn’t just a poetic idea—it might be science in the making. If water can act as an antenna to quantum stimuli, then your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions could potentially shape the behavior of bio-waters, influencing things like inflammation, immune responses, or even healing.

Consider this: when you practice mindfulness, meditation, or even engage in positive self-talk, you may be doing more than calming your mind. You might actually be "tuning" the waters in your body, optimizing them to flow and function better across all these critical systems.

Think about the implications for things like chronic pain, digestive issues, or neurological conditions—could adjusting your mental "broadcast" alter the bio-waters within you to support healing?




So, where do we go from here?

The first step is to acknowledge that water isn’t just a passive participant in your biology; it’s a dynamic, structured element that’s actively shaping—and being shaped by—your thoughts and environment. Here are some practical ways to start tuning into your bio-waters:

  • Hydrate intentionally: Don’t just drink water—bless it, or express gratitude. The structure of your water may respond to this vibrational input.
  • Practice mindfulness or meditation: These practices could help "clear the channels" and promote the flow of bio-waters. I use Kundalini, learn more about that here.
  • Optimize lymphatic flow: Dry brushing, rebounding, and gentle exercise can help maintain fluid movement. We teach all about this in Funnel Flush inside of Class Pass.
  • Support fascia health: Engage in practices like yoga (Kundalini or other forms), foam rolling, or massage to keep your connective tissues pliable and hydrated.
  • Include minerals: Minerals like magnesium and potassium help structure the water inside your cells.

Water is life, but it's more than just that. It's a quantum communicator: a liquid crystal.

And maybe, just maybe, water is a bridge between our thoughts and our biology.

And as we begin to understand this more, it might just change everything we know about health and healing.


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