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Healing the Gut with the Core Clear Cleanse Method: A Root Cause Approach to Digestive Wellness

Oct 21, 2024


When it comes to gut health, most of us have been led to believe that finding the perfect diet or taking the right supplements is the key to healing.

But if you’ve been following this approach for a while, you may have noticed that progress can be elusive. There’s always one more food sensitivity to avoid, one more supplement to add, or another test to take.

What if I told you that real healing requires a different perspective—one that starts with addressing the fundamentals in the right order?

Today, we’re diving into The Core Clear Cleanse Method (CCC) - a powerful approach to healing the gut by honoring the body’s natural healing priorities.

With the CCC we look beyond restrictive diets and supplements and focus on a strategy that simplifies and accelerates gut healing.


Understanding Gut Healing: Start with a New Set of Basics


To truly heal the gut, we must first understand how our bodies work to resolve gut-related issues. At the cellular level, toxins and stressors can damage mitochondria—the energy factories within our cells—leading to a condition known as the Cell Danger Response. When the body perceives a threat, it essentially "freezes" and focuses on survival, rather than repair.

When this "freeze" happens in the gut, it means lower digestive secretions, poor motility, and inefficient immune responses... all of the most common gut presentations I tend to see in practice.

The solution?

We need to do two things:

  1. remove the toxins
  2. recharge the body’s energy stores.

But there’s more to it than just choosing the right supplement or cutting out another food.

It’s about following a specific order of operations that respects the body’s healing priorities. That’s where the Core Clear Cleanse Method comes in.


The 3 Phases of the Core Clear Cleanse Method for Gut Healing


The Core Clear Cleanse Method breaks gut healing down into three distinct phases that work synergistically to restore balance. These phases guide you through a step-by-step process of:

  • recharging the body's battery with core quantum practices
  • clearing drainage pathways
  • and cleansing toxins

all while respecting the body’s natural priorities and processes.

Phase 1: CORE Quantum Strategy – Recharge the Gut with Natural Energy


The first phase of the CCC Method involves implementing simple re-wilding practices that enhance the body’s ability to generate energy that it can allocate to gut repair.

The good news?

These foundational strategies are often completely free and rooted in nature, making them accessible to everyone.

Here are some examples:

  • increasing skin contact with the earth to optimize negative ion absorption
  • red light and infrared light exposure to generate EZ-Water
  • building a solar callus of melanin to create free-electron source near the critical organs (and the gut)
  • salt water swimming to increase mineral balance for electrical conductivity and to create structured bio-waters

Think of this as the beginner's list for building a strong energy foundation.

Practices such as these work to charge your body's energetic battery, which is vital for gut repair. When energy levels rise, your body can start to reduce inflammation in the gut lining and improve digestive function.

Most people overlook the power of these natural practices. But it’s these simple yet profound strategies that can kickstart the movement of toxins, and create bio-waters that flow through your tissues and prevent stagnation.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it’s said that “stagnation breeds disease.”

Read: to heal the gut, we need to get things moving with charge and we need to do it first.


Phase 2: CLEAR the Drainage Pathways – Preparing the Gut for Detoxification


Folks with chronic gut issues that have been around for a year or longer likely need to engage in a bit of detox - more on that below. But before we can dive into this deeper detox work, we need to make sure that the body’s drainage pathways are functioning well.

Drainage refers to the body's ability to efficiently eliminate waste, whereas detox focuses on mobilizing toxins. If the drainage pathways are compromised, trying to detox can backfire, leading to the reabsorption of toxins and worsening gut symptoms.

In this phase, we focus on strengthening the body's drainage funnel: the lymphatic system, liver, kidneys, bowels, and skin, which all play a crucial role in clearing waste from the body. When these pathways are optimized, we create the infrastructure necessary for the gut to shed toxins safely.

Think of it this way: If your “trashcans” (drainage systems) have holes, you wouldn’t be able to take out the trash without making a mess. By prioritizing drainage, we ensure that when we do mobilize toxins, they can be efficiently eliminated from the body.

For most people, implementing CORE Quantum strategies and CLEARing drainage pathways alone can dramatically improve gut health, reduce symptoms like bloating, constipation, or diarrhea, and restore energy levels.

In the event that more work is needed, these phases lay the crucial groundwork for more advanced detox efforts.


Phase 3: CLEANSE – Targeting the Gut’s Toxic Load


Now that we’ve laid the foundation with CORE strategies and CLEARed drainage pathways, we’re ready for the third phase: CLEANSing the gut’s toxin load. This phase involves targeting specific toxins that may be compromising gut health, such as parasites, mold, heavy metals, or microbial imbalances.

The goal in this phase is to mobilize toxins from the gut lining and tissues, moving them safely into the drainage pathways where they can be eliminated.

To do this, we follow the Mitochondria Mastery Map, which outlines the body’s natural healing sequence to prioritize which toxins to target first. This sequence helps avoid overwhelming the body, ensuring that we cleanse in a way that’s effective and sustainable.

It's important to mention that not everybody needs to focus on detox. This will depend on the person's unique toxin load, how long they've been accumulating, and how much progress we see with the previous two steps.

However, if you’ve been struggling with gut issues for a long time, it’s likely that your body has accumulated various toxins that need to be addressed in stages. By cleansing in the right order, we avoid stirring up more trouble and instead support the body’s natural detoxification processes.


The Difference Between the Masters of Gut Healing and Everyone Else


In the wellness world, I often encounter two types of people:

Masters of the Mitochondria and those who are stuck in cycles of restriction and overwhelm.

The latter group spends a lot of time trying to find the “right” combination of diets, supplements, and protocols to heal their gut, but they often miss the bigger picture.

On the other hand, Masters of the Mitochondria take a different approach.

MofMs understand that gut healing starts with the fundamentals—quantum strategies like light exposure, hydration, grounding, and optimizing natural detox pathways.

MofMs know that by addressing the core elements first, they can create a resilient foundation for their gut.

MofMs don’t obsess over every detail. Instead, they focus on simple, consistent practices that leverage the body’s natural ability to heal. They’re not constantly questioning their choices or researching new supplements because they trust in a time-tested framework that aligns with human biology. This approach makes gut healing feel less like a chore and more like a natural, enjoyable process.


Are You Overcomplicating Your Gut Healing Journey?


If you’re caught up in the search for the perfect diet, the most effective supplements, or the latest gut health trends, it’s time to take a step back.

Ask yourself: Are you missing out on the foundational steps that could make all the difference?

Are you hesitating to make decisions because of fear or confusion?

Are there half-finished supplements or open tabs on your computer related to gut health protocols?

Think about where you’re getting stuck and consider whether you’re overlooking the basics.


The Path to Gut Healing Is Simple but Powerful


Healing the gut doesn’t have to be complicated.

You don’t need to spend months on restrictive diets or buy every new supplement that promises a cure. By following the Core Clear Cleanse Method, you can work with quantum elements like light, water, and natural detox strategies to restore your gut health quickly and sustainably.

The key is to **respect the body’s natural order**, focus on simplicity, and embrace consistent practices that nourish your entire being. The Core Clear Cleanse Method will guide you through the steps to recharge, clear, and cleanse, allowing you to heal your gut from the inside out.

Gut healing can feel effortless when you approach it with the right strategy. If you’re ready to start your journey, join us inside of Class Pass where we walk you through the process step-by-step: and see how reconnecting with nature’s gifts can transform your health.



Start making more energy in your body and auto-pilot your gut issues right now without relying on elimination diets.