Bio-Carbons Binders Are The Ultimate Multi-Tasking Healing Tool
Many of us have grown wary of one-size-fit-all approaches when it comes to our health, and for good reason.
Neglecting bio-individual needs just might be the single greatest criticism I could lobby against the conventional medical community.
Yet while each of us has unique health histories, exposures, and environments that deserve reverence and attention, there is one group of ingredients that I reach for, always, no matter what your issues are.
What is this magical stuff?
Bio-active carbon!
Bio-active carbons are a product of nature. And while we could assign them many definitions, the simplest goes something like this:
Bio-Carbons are a group of unspent carbon-based molecules that include fulvic and humic acids, polysaccharides, and polyelectrolytes that possess certain life-giving properties.
Fulvic and humic acids are a natural result of soil-based microbes breaking down old plant material. I like to refer to them to clients as “fermented dirt”.
In essence, the microbes work to recycle the soil and turn it into a nutrient-rich supply of organic matter. These compounds are found ubiquitously in nature, and have likely been much more of a staple presence in our environment throughout our evolutionary history.
These days, however, with our increasing confinement to indoor environments and minimal exposure to dirt, we likely have a kind of deficiency in these important molecules.
Unfortunately, the molecules are too complex to create synthetically, instead we must rely on complex microbial networks in our soils to create them for us.
Types of Carbons
While Fulvics and humics are like the Mama and Papa of bio-carbons, we also have their children: polysaccharides and polyelectrolytes.
Polyelectrolytes are smaller particles that are more ionic in nature. They are especially adept at moving electrons, which is very helpful for our mitochondria. They also help us to regulate our pH.
Finally, there’s the baby, polysaccharides. Polysaccharides are sugar molecules (but they won’t spike your blood sugar). They provide the raw materials needed for mitochondria to repair and restore tissue (in Cell Danger Response 3). They also provide the raw material needed to make energy molecules (ATP).
Why carbon?
If you’ve ever taken an Organic Chemistry class, you’ll know that carbons are the building blocks of life. And humans, being alive, are largely made of carbon. Our bodies are 96% Carbons, Hydrogens, and Oxygens, and only 4% minerals and vitamins. Repairing tissue therefore requires carbons, hydrogens, and oxygens.
Bio-active carbons work in 4 magical ways:
- They bind.
- They form covalent bonds with toxins and heavy metals (most binders on the market form weaker ionic bonds and are less effective).
- They travel beyond the gut and can cross the blood-brain barrier, making their reach much more impactful.
- They protect.
- As they bind and extract when the body doesn’t want, they offer antioxidant protection so that the tissue is not damaged during removal.
- This makes them very well tolerated and is why there is low incidence of Herxheimer effects while taking them.
- They give nutrients.
- They supply biologically active minerals like iron and zinc, and have also been shown to improve overall nutrient status (most binders on the market will steal nutrients from the body).
- They can also alter non-biologically active minerals and nutrients (which we can’t use) and turn them into biologically active forms (which we can use).
- They transmute.
- Their unique ability to donate or receive electrons allows them to convert inorganic heavy metals into organic forms, making them much easier for the body to process.
- This ability also translates to converting supplements and foods into their most efficacious forms – so taking bio-carbons with other substances will make those substances more effective.
In other words, bio-carbons can convert toxins into their safest forms, bind them and remove them from the body, while leaving behind strengthened tissue and essential nutrients.
Read: they are the ultimate healing adaptogen.
High in Energy
Part of why bio-carbons are so unique is due to having exceptionally high energy. Bio-active carbons have lots of unspent energy.
This means their bonds are strong enough and hold long enough to pull toxins all the way out of the body. Not to mention, they can change the oxidative state of an element by donating a proton or electron to render it less toxic and damaging to the body. This transmutes a toxin from being dangerous to harmless, or even beneficial.
These antioxidant properties mean that it heals and soothes while it binds, where other binders can leave a trail of inflammation as they drudge up toxins.
CellCore: Harnessing the power of the sun in a carbon reactor.
Fulvics and humics have the ability to carry light and photons. We know that plants absorb light as energy. Then the plants decompose into soil, and the photon energy from the plant tissue gets metabolized by microbes into the bio-active carbons, and later we consume it into our bodies.
In this way, carbons act as batteries that can store energy. In particular, polyelectrolytes and polysaccharides have many carbons available to store photon energy.
CellCore is GutsyGreen’s preferred source for bio-carbons because they make the most potent bio-active carbon products on the market. They’re able to achieve this by mimicking this photon transfer process with a first-of-its-kind Carbon Reactor. This machine is used to energize the Carbon molecules for maximum energy potential, just like the sun would do naturally.
But when we say energy, what exactly does it mean? This energy can be measured in two ways: pH, and electroconductivity.
A low pH (stronger acidity) is great from an energy perspective because it means more potential to give hydrogens and a higher millivolt (unit of energy).
This higher potential energy bodes well for driving the reaction with the toxins in our bodies, and the ability to successfully remove that toxin. The lower the pH, the more reactive and more powerful.
In fact, multiple studies show that fulvics and humics with a lower pH are significantly more able to bind onto toxins like radioactive cobalt 60 and glyphosate compared to those with higher pHs.
While a more reactive substance will draw more toxins out and carry more out of the body, traditional binders have a high pH (alkaline), which means that lots of toxins get left behind due to lack of binding energy.
What’s so great about bio-active carbons is not only does it possess a low, stable pH, but it’s also amphoteric. This means that it can act as both an acid and a base, so it can both stop and start a reaction.
This makes the reactions much safer and more stable: it’s like having a car with a turbo boost and a great emergency brake!
Electrical conductivity
Electrical conductivity is another measurement of energy just like pH, but the units are instead measured in microsiemens per centimeter.
Again, CellCore products have high electrical conductivities compared to all other products on the market.
Low pH + high electrical conductivity = super energized.
Comparing with other binders
Bio-active carbons come in multiple sizes; they can be small or nano (these enter into the DNA area in the cell), small, medium, or long chain carbons. Small and medium chains are typically associated with fulvic acid, while long chains are associated with humic acid.
Long carbon chains tend to stay in the gut. In this way, they’re like many conventional binders, such as activated charcoal or clay, in that their effects are confined to this one area of the body: the digestive tract.
Yet, while long chain bio-carbons have their scope in common with traditional binders, long chain bio-carbons still have a leg up on the competition because of their high energy potential.
Activated charcoal, for example, is made up completely of spent energy (ash) and has a high pH as a result, making its reactivity very low, and its toxin binding efficacy low in comparison.
Small and medium chain carbons, however, are quite different. These are able to travel systemically into tissue and mitochondria throughout the entire body. They can even cross the blood-brain barrier! Likewise, their reparative function can have more therapeutic value in those dealing with issues that are predominantly rooted outside of the gut.
All sizes of bio-active carbon possess an equally impressive trait for a binder, which is that they are nutrient-giving.
Traditional binders do not discriminate against which particles they attract and take out of the body. They’re likely to carry toxins and nutrients on their way out. This means you cannot ingest these traditional clays and charcoals with food, and it is not suggested that you take them for an extended period of time lest they beget nutrient deficiencies.
Bio-carbons, however, you can take with food – they will actually increase the nutrition you derive from your food.
Likewise, they are safe to take on a long-term basis and may even have cumulative health benefits in this context. This allows clients to get more work done faster, without having to take breaks, and without compromising their precious nutrients.
Comparing with other delivery systems
Beyond acting as a binder, bio-carbons may also act as a delivery system. CellCore includes them in virtually all of their herbal formulas helps to protect and deliver the ingredients to where they are needed.
Stomach acid typically destroys much of the ingredient you ingest before it can be utilized by the body, but the presence of carbons helps to protect and deliver these ingredients to where they are needed. This buffer in the stomach leads to more being absorbed.
Likewise, because the stomach has such a strong pH (1.5 – 3.0), the carbons can actually leverage that energy potential to reach their highest potency.
Let’s compare this to the popular Liposomal delivery system.
Liposomal delivery requires ingredients that must be made synthetically. It also requires foreign substances. This translates to structural disruption in order for it to enter the cell. A good metaphor for this is an army tank going through a wall.
Bio-active carbons are more akin to a ghost moving through a wall – no scructural disruptions.
Liposomals also have no ability to stop reactive oxygen species like carbons can, and they can’t send or receive charged particles.
They rely on oil, which does not form the building blocks of life like carbons do, is oxygen-depleted, can be rancid, and has no energetic pH.
How carbon technology differs from Liposomal delivery:
- Liposomal uses oil that must be broken up quickly
- Liposomal cannot stop a ROS factor
- Liposomal cannot give or take an electron (oil does not have and cannot send a charge)
- An oil cannot give or sustain life
- An oil has definite shelf life (it can only denature). They also oxidize and turn rancid (lipid peroxidation).
- Liposomal oxygen is depleted
- Liposomal/hydrocarbons have no pH
- Liposomal can cause an herb to go rancid a lot quicker
- Carbon Technology is all natural
- There are no foreign substances
- Herbs paired with carbon technology are delivered safely and effectively due to the natural structure of the fulvics and humics.
Comparing with chelators
Traditional chelators include:
Chelators are used to bind unwanted heavy metals and help them to exit the body. The trouble with this approach is that they chelators form weak bonds with the metals, which means often metals will detach as they’re moving through the body and then circulate in the blood stream and causing damage to organs.
Because these chelators are so hard on the body, frequent breaks are needed and negative side effects are almost always a given. It is often argued that the danger this therapy poses is often not worth the reward, as unbound heavy metals have such high potential to cause inflammation and damage.
If your cell were a wall, a chelator would be like the Kool-Aid guy and break it down to get to the heavy metal. Likewise, there’s no reparative mechanism with chelators.
This is all in contrast to how bio-carbons work. The highly energized particles work like a magnet to pull harmful heavy metals all the way out of the body in the stool. The bond it forms with the metal is stable and will not be dropped.
These effects are so powerful that scientists are now using fulvic and humic acids to remove toxic heavy metals that pollute the soil and water. Finally, what little damage there may be from getting the heavy metal out of your tissue is immediately soothed and repaired by the bio-carbon’s nutrient-giving and antioxidant services.
How does carbon technology increase your body’s nutrition?
Bio-active carbons use natural “intelligence” to modify the valence (form) of the minerals with which they come into contact. Some valences are not usable for the human body. This can create the ironic problem of having a magnesium deficiency, and yet having too much magnesium of the wrong valence.
Bio-active carbons fix this problem by actively changing the valence of what’s there to make it into the usable form for the body.
These nutritional benefits have been demonstrated many times in animal literature. In fact, now it is common practice to add bio-carbons to livestock feed in order to lower toxicity-related health issues in animals while also boosting the nutrient concentrations in their meat.
Which toxins can bio-active carbon help with?
We have literature showing bio-carbons have efficacy in removing a wide-variety of toxins in the body:
- Heavy Metals
- Toxic Minerals
- Radioactive Elements
- Glyphosate + Pesticides
- Chemicals
- Bio-Toxins + Lipopolysaccharide
- Plastics
- Mycotoxins
- …and more
How to get started with Bio-Carbons
Hopefully, now it’s clear why I use bio-active carbons with virtually every.single.client. I work with and along every.single.step. of The Mitochondria Mastery Map. They have transformed my practice and are the most fundamental piece of everything we do at GutsyGreen.
If you’re interested in implementing Bio-Carbons in service of your health and taking deep-dive into their function, the literature behind them, and my proprietary strategy for utilizing them in your daily routine, and if you’re ready to integrate bio-carbons into a more comprehensive detoxification framework, then you’re ready for our signature drainage course Funnel Flush where we teach about binding as one of four prongs in The B-Fourmula. Watch our free class for a grand tour of Funnel Flush here.
...on quantum principles, the mitochondria, drainage, detox, and more!
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